This is Chad. He had his hand in his doublet Napoleon-style the whole time. Then he showed me what he had in his hand: a little baby squirrel. He found it under his car and had since bought a little cage, eye dropper and bonded with the little guy. The baby squirrel fit neatly in his hand and held on to his finger like he wanted to suckle it.
This is Brandon and Lauren. Lauren looked like a pouty Katie Holmes. Here's Tyler - very game to pose. Hard to see details of his great outfit, the sun was going down.
Nothing makes me happier than drawing. If I could do it 24 hours a day, I would. The line is the thing - so much expression, feeling and energy can be put into ONE line. Then there is the color, the feeling of a fully loaded brush of paint going onto a canvas or watercolor paper - no feeling like that IN THE WORLD. I am fortunate to make my living as an illustrator with a double life as a painter and artist finding her own narrative in the work. Stay tuned. And thank you for visiting!
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